Please Do Not Copy Photos

This blog will often contain photos that are part of my photo business, or personal photos taken by me. Please do not copy. That is really not a nice thing to do. If you want to use a photo, please contact me at for permission. thanks!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wall art - finally!

It took forever to choose the photos. I was super excited that I got in on a great sale. I signed up with a new lab that was having a sale. Because I didn't order right away, they sent me a $25.00 gift card. Score! That means I got all 5 30x40s for less than $150.00!

Next we had to find a way to display them. We knew we wanted them on black.We also wanted them away from the wall.  I searched pinterest like crazy to find the perfect way to mount them inexpensively. I found a lot of good idea, but Dean nixed everyone of them. I am sure no one is surprised about that one :) We ended up at hobby lobby with them mounted on black foam core, but that was not thick enough. We ended up going to the wood section and finding wooden squares. We painted them black and mounted 6 on the back of each print. On the top two, we mounted photo hangers. We glued them to the back several inches in from the sides. This gives the illusion that they are floating on the wall.

Next we had to hang them - oh my what an ordeal. Thankfully, Dean has a great ladder that works on the stairs. We had to get the wall marked first because it had to be perfectly laid out. We tried several things including paper taped the wall. That didn't work either. It finally ended up being a math puzzle for Dean. He had to measure everything out and mark all the corners. He started with the ones on the end and then used a measuring tape to find the center of the diagonal. It took longer to place them on the wall than it did to hang them. 

So here is the finished product!

After we got them all done, we decided they looked fairly small. We are considering adding some 16x20s in the blank spots. We are thinking about it.

We really like the look and it so fun thinking about the wonderful trip we had.

Our Loft - or our Memory Room

This is a special room for me. It makes me feel so close to so many people. I can look at any shelf or photo and am reminded of someone special. I love going up there. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling.
 The wall past the window has all the old black and white photos. Yes, I see there are a couple of blank spaces. We left those to allow for some photos from Dean's side of the family. His mom brought me some, but I haven't had time to choose, print and frame them. I will get that done soon.
This side has the color photos. Yes, I see a frame missing three photos. Oops. Dean hung the frames and I ordered prints for them, but I forgot those three. I will get them on the next order.

This room is not finished to me. I think it needs a craft table where I can work while seeing the tv over the railing - must convince Dean that is the best plan :)

a little rocking chair

I have my rocker from when I was a little girl- yep, that means it is getting old! It is the same one that everyone born in the early 60s had - turned wood arms and a little skirt.

 The fabric would have probably been considered 'early American' print.

When Eric was a baby, I redid the chair in the baby blue that is in the first photo. That was 25 years ago, so even that was getting pretty ratty. The arm has never stayed on well. In fact, it spent the last several years in a drawer. I was determined to get it looking much better this time around.

Dean and I went to the store to find fabric. I wanted something cute that could sort of go with the lovely gold on the walls. We narrowed it down to a couple of colors and came up with this wonderful brown background and cute, colorful dots. With the sale on fabric and the coupon from Hobby Lobby, for the foam, I ended up with a great deal. I ended up with a 4x8 piece of foam (lots of plans for that!) and plenty of fabric. You'll see how I used part of it.

First off, Dean took all the old fabric off and pulled out all the old staples, something I didn't do the first time. I cleaned the wood and and made it shine.

Next was to use packing paper to make a pattern for the back and bottom cushions.

 The one above shows the bottom, but I did the back first. I made a pillow case and covered the foam.

I then made ties for the top. Ok, I should have sewn the ties in and then whip stitched the bottom, but I didn't. I added the ties to the open part of the casing. Then I had to stitch it closed by hand. It looks fine, but it would have been more finished had I done it the other way. If it was chair that was actually in a child's room, I would do that for sure.

And now for the tricky part. Remember I said the word Dean in the beginning? Well, every time he gets involved in the project, the project gets more involved. A lot of that is because we think on different levels of getting the job done. I do it and if it works and looks good - so be it. His thinking is it must be done right! Now, his idea of right is just that HIS idea (no, usually it is because he has the knowledge and often teh experience of having done something like this and wants to make sure I do it just right). But - it still makes me roll my eyes before proceeding.

The chair had a tack strip around it - it is a heavy cardboard piece that you use to fold the fabric over. It makes it create a very nice line over which the fabric falls. Great. I didn't use it last time because I sewed the skirt to the cushion. It worked fine, but that was not the way it was done originally. This time it had to be done correctly. And so the search began for tack strip or an appropriate and affordable alternative. Tack strip is expensive! Especially when you only need a few inches. We searched high and low at Jo Ann's for an alternative. We tired bias tape, heavy elastic and even considered poster board. None of them suited him. finally we ended up with plastic canvas. Not sure exactly the reasoning behind it, but we bought it. I cut it into strips that were almost exactly the height of the wood at the bottom of the chair. I cut and hemmed the fabric for the ruffle. I stapled it in a few places to hold it on, and then went back with the plastic over the tack line. I then folded the skirt over the plastic. A beautiful folded skirt for less than a dollar.

The above pic shows the ties after they were pressed and ready to sew. I just did them this way and did a cute zig zag to close them. It also shows the 'tack strip' and my wonderful new scissors that are just for fabric! I had forgotten the joy of having a special pair of scissors just for fabric. 

Presenting.... the finished product!

 I had extra fabric, so I created a little pillow for Joy Anna's Cracker Barrel Rocker. (yes, we always call it all of that!) 

 I stuffed it with recycled grocery bags. I tied it up like a nice big bow. 

Here they are in the loft with the kids' books behind them - all ready for kiddos to come for a visit with me!

Where have I been?

Just sent this link to a friend and realized I haven't posted in 3 weeks! Yikes! What happened to me?
I have been a tad busy doing the photography website, visiting salons in the area and networking.

I have had several things bouncing around in my head  to blog about -everything including the kitchen bathroom sink! I will put that on my to-do list.

This week, I am sitting glued to the tv watching a glamour photography workshop. 7 hours a day for 5 days is soooooo much tv! Our sweet neighbors had us over for portabella mushrooms sandwiches - one of my favorite sandwiches! Yummy! Thanks, Karla & Andy!

I do have a few after photos to post of the stairway. When we get a break today, I will try to get those uploaded.

I should have a lot to post about this coming weekend. JoyAnna, Jeremy & his family are coming for a visit! Super excited about it.

See you soon!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Well, I made it for a few days before I murdered the diet. It was premeditated. Yep. Since we moved here, we have gone to Pasado's about once a week. They have had a buy one get one enchilada dinner on Tuesday & Thursday. We were told on first time there that it was an unadvertised special. Tonight we took our friends and neighbors to thank Andy for cutting our yard. When we ordered, we asked about the special. She told us they didn't do that anymore on Thursdays. She asked if we wanted to do the special which is fajitas. We told her no. We wanted enchiladas. The manager came over. He said he understood there was some confusion as to the special. We told him we eat there every week and always get the special. He told us they didn't do that anymore. The special is now Fajitas for 2. We said ok, I was a little surprised that he didn't do some kind of a discount. It is not like we walked in off the street and asked for a discount. They have been running coupons in some of the mailings - for buy one get one enchiladas. I would have thought he would have at least offered us a coupon to get one free. Oh well.

Today was not the best day for me for customer service where specials are concerned. A few weeks ago, I found this blog post on Pinterest
On Sunday, Dean and I did this at the Michael's in Round Rock. Today, we were going to do the same thing in Georgetown. The manager would not allow it. I told her we had done it in Round Rock. We told her lots of people were doing it. She wouldn't allow it. When we were leaving, she came up front and while we were checking out, she was speaking loudly to someone in the Round Rock store about how they were not supposed to do that. I guess it won't work in Round Rock anymore either. They lost a 60 dollar sale today because they were holding out for a 100 sale. I went to Hobby Lobby.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 2 phase 1

Yes, I know I am not supposed to weigh every day. Yes, I probably will anyway. I was .6 down today. Dean was close to 4 pounds? How did that happen? He ate a Reuben for lunch! Oh well. Today he ate what I did. He'll probably be down 10 tomorrow :(.

We went to Sunday School and church. We came home to lunch in the crock pot - pork loin and mushrooms. So yummy. I made balsalmic dressing for the salad. Wonderful lunch. So pretty, too. I took pics. Will upload with the recipes later.

Tonight we went to a ballgame. It was fun. A busy week ahead. I need to get in a lot of exercise, too.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

South Beach Diet - Day 1, Phase 1

Yesterday while I was making out my grocery list, I told Dean I thought I should do the South Beach diet again. I have done it before. It makes good sense to me. I like the foods. The only drawback is doing food for me and having to do something for him. With just two of us, it doesn't make good sense to not eat the same thing. I didn't tell him all that. He has gained about 8 pounds since we moved here. We have not been eating the healthiest. Not good for his diabetes. So, anyway, when I said it, he said he would do it with me! I jumped on the offer immediately. We made out our grocery list and headed to the store.

I probably won't post every day about the diet. Maybe if we have a really good meal, I will post. Maybe I will post progress. Who knows, I might need the motivation and will post more often.

Today we slept late. I made us yummy eggs with mushrooms, onions, low fat cheese and canadian bacon. After breakfast, we went to the Market Days in Round Rock. We took the dogs. I took my camera. I was hoping to take some fun pics. It didn't happen. We spent most of the time chatting with people about the dogs. Hopefully tomorrow I will get out and take some pics - even if they are just fun. I need to do that.

We helped our neighbors out today, so they treated us to lunch. I stayed on the plan - Dean didn't. Since, I didn't have to cook 2 separate things, I am just fine with it. Besides, he'll lose so much faster anyway. I have so much more to lose. I had a wonderful Mediterranean salad. So, so yummy.

We went to the pool and hung out. I tried to keep moving when I was in the pool- not like a real water aerobics class, but still moving around has to help.

Dinner tonight was baked chicken with asparagus. We had ricotta creme for dessert. Yum! It was a late dinner after hanging out at the pool.

Now, it is 10:00 and I am ready to go to bed, but I feel compelled to stay up and watch the last race - the 400IM.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I have been so busy! In the last week and a half, I started two websites - one for 'regular' photography now Pam Rowell Photography and one for the boudoir part of the business at Pillow Talk Pics. I have them both up and running now. I came up with new marketing packages for Pillow Talk Pics. I have been out working on networking for that this week. I have set up a system for accepting credit cards. I have also reworked the pricing structure for Pam Rowell Photography. I am still working on Pillow Talk Pics. I have my facebook updated for both parts of the business. I created a Pinterest for Pillow Talk Pics.

I ordered the photos for the house! Finally! I only ordered 5. I decided to wait until later to do the one upstairs in the niche. We haven't finished the upstairs, so I think it is okay to wait for that. They'll be here on Monday. I will then have to figure out a very inexpensive way to mount and hang them.

Through all this, I have been trying to keep up with the house. I really got spoiled to having it clean all of the time. Believe me when I say this is a new phenomenon. It has never bothered me to have clutter. If I have something else to do, housework could always be put off. Not any more. I am determined not to get back to that. Yesterday afternoon, our A/C went out. We were heading over next door for dinner when we realized it. Our landlord came in last night. It was nice not to have to worry about the house when come came in - except the bed- haha I had made it yesterday morning, but unmade it in the afternoon when we took a nap. Naps. Now there is something that is enjoyable. We had both been out in the heat all day. We laid down and rested in the cool - until the A/C went out.

Anyway, back to the idea about cleaning. I get overwhelmed with big jobs. I admit. I know my weaknesses. So, I had to break down cleaning. I had found several schedules on Pinterest that showed different daily jobs. They didn't exactly fit my schedule - I like to clean out the fridge the night before trash day, so that means Thursday. I like my sheets clean on Friday, so I needed to do the master bedroom then. I took several of these, cut them apart and pieced them back together. I came up with my own schedule. Thursday and Friday are a little task heavy. Some of the things I don't have to do every week. If I have time to get them all done, I do. Baseboards might get missed this week, but I'll get them the next week. I have been doing it for a few weeks, and it seems to be working. Here is my cleaning schedule.