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Monday, May 14, 2012

Soooo much to settle!

Have spent several days working on this one blog post . . .

Yes, I know the last blog post bemoaned the fact that we had nothing to settle. That has swung in the opposite direction. The movers arrived at 10 on Saturday. It didn't take long to start filling up the house. I know I like to keep stuff. I know I have a lot of stuff. I had given so much away, donated and sold so many things, I thought the amount of stuff had to be lower. Besides, we left Joy Anna and all of her stuff in El Paso. How did we fill up nearly half of the 18 wheeler trailer? We don't even have as much of Eric' stuff either.

While unpacking we realized just how that can happen - if you only put one or two things per box, you will need more boxes. Yes, that happened with several boxes. I do have a lot of kitchen stuff. I have quite a few pots and pans. I do think all of my metal pots and pans could have fit in one box. Certainly not spread out over three. Do you really need 12 pieces of paper per item to keep my metal pan from breaking? After emptying one box, I put the paper back in. Just the paper filled up the box.

We did make some good progress. Elizabeth, Steven and Rosie came over to hang out and help out. Steven and Dean went to the thrift store to pick up my entertainment center. It looks great in the living room. We rearranged the living room a few times before coming up with an arrangement that seems to work. Our furniture is huge! It takes over the living room. It makes it feel cozy, even thought it is 18x20 or something like that.

The girls are settling in fine. Pouncy had a rough day Saturday. I was not certain she was going to leave Steven with his legs intact. He dared to sit at the table!

We were so tired that night! After the Morgans left, we just piddled around, put sheets on the bed, and unpacked a very few more boxes. I soaked in the tub. I had hit the same toe I always hit on the driveway yesterday and ripped off part of the toe nail. I had to deal with that. Not my favorite thing to do! I don't think I drank enough water. I woke up twice last night with a horrible leg cramps - the kind I had when I was pregnant -where it hurts sooo bad! Woke up with a scream both times. Not fun.

Sunday we visited another church. They have 2 services and we chose the first. One lady came over to visit with us. I guess it is harder to know how is visiting at a larger church. We really did enjoy the service though.  After church, Dean and I rode the bike out to Aunt Beverly's and Uncle Homer's to celebrate Mother's Day. We had a nice lunch and fun playing apples to apples.

We came home to more boxes - LOTS more boxes. I am not sure we are ever going to going through them. We do have the laundry room all tidy. I have done 3 loads of laundry. I don't have places to put everything as we haven't finished our room/closet. At least, they clothes are clean and folded neatly on the top of the washer and dryer.

Today we went to DARS about Dean's hearing aids - it was a repeat of everything we did in El Paso. So ridiculous. He has to go back May 30. Then, hopefully, they will schedule him an appointment to be evaluated.

Today, more unpacking! I advertised on Craigslist and someone came and picked up a whole van load of boxes. I should have that many more by the time I go to El Paso on Saturday.

Hopefully, in a day or so I will have made enough progress to post pics. 

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