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Friday, December 9, 2011

Job Hunting

We go weeks and weeks and hear nothing - then we get lots of hope - only to have it dashed again. And then the cycle begins again.

This week has been one of those with lots of hope - it started with an 8 am interview on Monday and ended with an invitation for an interview next week - 2000 miles away. He thought the interview went well. They want to put him on a proposal for a job on the east coast. Great. But who knows when that would happen. April is coming soon - very soon.

Last night we sent in 5 applications for the same company. Today we got back 2 that said no thank you - but there were 3 we didn't hear from. Does that mean that he is being considered for the other three?

And then, there was the email scheduling him for an interview. We applied for the job a month ago and had heard nothing since. Then, today an email telling him he has an interview Thursday at 3:45. Do we spend 500 to send him there? Is the job actually worth it? Can they wait until the first week of January when we are already on the east coast? Does even the top of their pay scale justify a move there? Are moving expenses covered? So many questions - and of course - they didn't send the email until it was too late to respond and have some of our questions answered. 

Prayers would be appreciated! 

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