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Sunday, April 8, 2012

1700 miles around Texas

We have had quite a week! Monday, Dean got a call that he would have an interview in Dallas on Wednesday. He was supposed to get a call telling the details. No call on Monday. On Tuesday, he had an appointment with the state disabilities office to see about reduced price hearing aids. Right as we left for that, he got the call that he needed to be in Dallas 24 hours later. He chose to drive, so I could go. We left about noon on Tuesday.

We made it into Dallas late that evening. We checked into a hotel - it left a lot to be desired - basically long enough to sleep. He went on his interview at 11. I hung out at Target and TJ Maxx. He said the interview went well, but there is probably 3 weeks before he will know a final. Oh well. We tried to call a few other places in Dallas where he has submitted his resume to see if he could get an interview. No luck.

We pricelined and got a good deal on a nice hotel. It had just been remodeled. I didn't take a pic of our room, but here is the lobby.

We got in touch with Jordan and Kelly Hunt and met for dinner. Jordan and Eric went to school 2nd grade through 12th grade. They were roommates their freshman year and Jordan was in Eric's wedding. We had so much fun. They just bought a new house. It is so nice. They are very blessed to have such a great space to enjoy.

The next day, we made more calls. He was offered a job in Austin (this one he was offered last week with his old company. The pay was quite a bit less and they were not going to pay moving. He asked for them to reconsider. They called on Thursday and said that was the offer) Because he has a relationship with the company, he made a few calls. That afternoon, he received word, that his salary would not increase, but he would get moving expenses. We are waiting for a formal offer via email - hopefully, they will match his former salary. Austin is more expensive to live, but at least he would have a job.

That day for lunch we met his friend from high school, Doris, at the Spaghetti Warehouse. The last time we were there was the first time we were all together. We talked and debated over and over about which opportunities he should take.

That evening, we met Patra, Paul and their twin boys Christopher and Sean at their house to go take photos of them. Patra worked with Dean in Tyler back before we had Joy Anna. Crazy, huh? We had tons of fun with them. The boys are adorable. Then, we had dinner together. We enjoyed meeting Paul and the boys.

The next morning, we got up late and stopped at an architect's office to drop off a resume. We then headed south to Austin. We got there and checked out some locations of where Dean would be working and the best places to live. We went to the Good Friday service with his family and then to dinner. We hung out over at Aunt Bev's and enjoyed the visit and looked at old pics. Tons of fun. There was a full moon.

  Do you know how good fresh cut grass smells? I had forgotten. I had to roll down the window just to smell. I soaked in the variety of scents and colors. It was beautiful! I was reminded of the book Frederick - where he soaks in the colors and words and then relies on the memories of those in the long cold winter months. I think I might need to rely on the scents and smells if we stay here longer.

I so enjoyed sitting on the back patio watching the birds - listening to their call. Beautiful! Later, we drove around the area where Dean's Aunt Bev lives looking for places that might be potential for us to live. After a while, we headed back toward El Paso. We stopped along the way for me to take a few wild flower pics. Joy Anna likes Indian Paintbrush, so we had to find that.

We were almost back to I-10 when we went through London, TX. I had Dean pull off the main road and do a tad of exploring.

 Now we are back at home. Still debating the best thing for us to do.

1 comment:

  1. I SO love the pictures you took of the boys. Indian Paintbrushes are also my favorite and those pictures you took in London, TX are MARVELOUS!!!
    You are so very talented!
