Well, caught up on the blog anyway.
This has been an interesting week. I made an attempt to catch up on the house from the trip, but then real life kicked in - in a BIG way.
We are less than 5 months away from the 2nd wedding in our family. This week has been dominated with the news of Dean being laid off and job hunting. We were very discouraged to see how little unemployment will actually pay if we have to go that route. We are praying that the right job will show up before that happens.
Looking for a job is a lot like having a full time job. It takes me several hours each day to search and apply. Dean can't really take time away from his work to do it. Thankfully, I have time to do it. There is a company (the one referred to in the blog about the fortune cookie) that he has spoken to several times. He has made contact with them since the news of the layoff. They are supposed to get back with him this week if they have any possibilities. We can't just depend on them, so we keep looking.
We know that the right job is out there. We know that God's timing is always 'on time but seldom early' That has been evident so many times in our lives. Just like getting the job he has now. Just like selling the house. We have a history that proves He does take care of us.
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
This has been an interesting week. I made an attempt to catch up on the house from the trip, but then real life kicked in - in a BIG way.
We are less than 5 months away from the 2nd wedding in our family. This week has been dominated with the news of Dean being laid off and job hunting. We were very discouraged to see how little unemployment will actually pay if we have to go that route. We are praying that the right job will show up before that happens.
Looking for a job is a lot like having a full time job. It takes me several hours each day to search and apply. Dean can't really take time away from his work to do it. Thankfully, I have time to do it. There is a company (the one referred to in the blog about the fortune cookie) that he has spoken to several times. He has made contact with them since the news of the layoff. They are supposed to get back with him this week if they have any possibilities. We can't just depend on them, so we keep looking.
We know that the right job is out there. We know that God's timing is always 'on time but seldom early' That has been evident so many times in our lives. Just like getting the job he has now. Just like selling the house. We have a history that proves He does take care of us.
Proverbs 3:5-6
New International Version (NIV)
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
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