Jesus doesn't have an official facebook or twitter account, yet there are many of them that use His name. I always think it interesting when one of my friend's like Jesus' status. Or the Bible's status - that one always stands out as well when it goes rolling by on the ticker.
I do like the video on what it would have been like if Mary and Joseph had Facebook. If you haven't seen it, you can check it out here:
Watching it again this week reminded me how different things might have been if social media had been around all those years. I wonder if Moses would have been as receptive had God sent a tweet instead of a burning bush? If they had GPS and google maps, would they have wandered 40 years in the desert? If they had had Urban Spoon, would they have needed manna? I We could look back in a lot of the familiar Bible stories and wonder what would have been different had they had an app for that.
Are we becoming too dependent on apps and social media? I don't mean just the fact that we have to check in so many times a day. Are we actually experiencing life of are we using an app and missing out on some of the adventure, some of the challenge, some of the fun, maybe even some of the blessings?
I think we miss so many opportunities when it comes to social media and ministry. Everyday so many prayer requests come across my facebook. Are we following up and actually utilizing this network to be prayer warriors and intercessors? Along with the few friends I follow on Twitter, I follow several pastors and writers. I try to pay attention to what they post, but sometimes, I just sort of pass them by to see what my friends are actually up to.
Today, I have paid more attention to the tweets and the messages that are speaking to me. My day didn't start out the best - crazy morning at my house- and I was not in the best frame of mind. I really just wanted to sit down and cry. I know it doesn't help. Sometimes, I do it anyway. A tweet came across my phone: God's plans for you life far exceed the circumstances of your day. Thank you, Louis Giglio. I needed to hear that. A little later in the day, a message was on the television. The television was on mute, and this was just text on the screen - about not worrying about what you cannot change - it was a slight variation of the serenity prayer - and was something I needed to be reminded of today.
Maybe the way we use the information we gain by social media needs to change. Any suggestions?
I do like the video on what it would have been like if Mary and Joseph had Facebook. If you haven't seen it, you can check it out here:
Watching it again this week reminded me how different things might have been if social media had been around all those years. I wonder if Moses would have been as receptive had God sent a tweet instead of a burning bush? If they had GPS and google maps, would they have wandered 40 years in the desert? If they had had Urban Spoon, would they have needed manna? I We could look back in a lot of the familiar Bible stories and wonder what would have been different had they had an app for that.
Are we becoming too dependent on apps and social media? I don't mean just the fact that we have to check in so many times a day. Are we actually experiencing life of are we using an app and missing out on some of the adventure, some of the challenge, some of the fun, maybe even some of the blessings?
I think we miss so many opportunities when it comes to social media and ministry. Everyday so many prayer requests come across my facebook. Are we following up and actually utilizing this network to be prayer warriors and intercessors? Along with the few friends I follow on Twitter, I follow several pastors and writers. I try to pay attention to what they post, but sometimes, I just sort of pass them by to see what my friends are actually up to.
Today, I have paid more attention to the tweets and the messages that are speaking to me. My day didn't start out the best - crazy morning at my house- and I was not in the best frame of mind. I really just wanted to sit down and cry. I know it doesn't help. Sometimes, I do it anyway. A tweet came across my phone: God's plans for you life far exceed the circumstances of your day. Thank you, Louis Giglio. I needed to hear that. A little later in the day, a message was on the television. The television was on mute, and this was just text on the screen - about not worrying about what you cannot change - it was a slight variation of the serenity prayer - and was something I needed to be reminded of today.
Maybe the way we use the information we gain by social media needs to change. Any suggestions?